Pay By Link
Simple payment link
3d Secure
Easy to use
Simple and powerful pay by link setup
Create a quick link, send it to your customer via email,sms, whatsapp,
Easy and convenient for both you and your customer.
You maybe running a busy takeaway or a call centre taking donations, Whilst your on the phone to your customer you create a payment link with the touch of a few buttons on your smartphone or tablet or any device, send that link to your customer and get on with your next task. You will get a notification once your customer have made the payment. Each link is secured with 3d secure that helps reduce fraud and offers a very strong customer authentication.
recieve payment with a click of a button.
How it works:
- Create a link from your payment dashboard
- Send the link to your customer by any means including copy/paste in a message, sms, email or whatsapp
- Get notified once your customer have made the payment.